We Encourage & Empower Artistic Self-Expression In Children

"Thank You From Northeast Elementary School"

We used half of the clay and the whole 3rd grade made a zentangle name picture. The 3rd grade had struggled all year, the paper was a huge help as drawing was in their comfort zone. I didn’t have enough sulfite paper to finish out the year and this was so helpful in the box that I received! Thank you again so much.

The 4th and 5th grade classes loved the clay and as you see they all made different things and painted them. I appreciate this grant so much as I had bought kiln clay before the pandemic and wasn’t able to use it. Now, two years later, I still have that clay and couldn’t use it because no one was using their kilns or had had them inspected! So, I had nothing to offer them this year without this grant.

Have a wonderful summer, and know that this program really made a difference my school. The kids were excited, had fun and were proud of their creations!

Warmest regards,
Paula Atkins
NE Elementary
Brighton, CO

Paula Atkins